God’s ER
8100 S. Delaware Ave, Room 256
Tulsa, Ok, 74137
Thursdays, 6:30 PM
Call for information: 918-409-8349 or 918-819-1052
Christian Chapel
7807 E 76th St,
Tulsa, OK 74133
I struggled for 13 years in my fight for purity. Even as a Christian man the struggle was still there and it just made me feel even worse that I struggled. I hated myself for so long and struggled to believe God loved me because I couldn’t give up my sin. I didn’t understand because no matter how hard I tried to stop I couldn’t. I remember feeling so alone in my struggle and that nobody knew the struggle I was facing.
It wasn’t until finding the Conquer Series where I started receiving true and lasting freedom. In Conquer Series I learned that overcoming in my fight for purity wasn’t about trying harder, and that it wasn’t just a moral problem. What I was facing was actually a brain problem, what had started out as a moral issue, threw me in a prison of bondage. My relief and transformation came as I learned there was a solution, a process, and a help for this brain problem.
In addition to the program, the facts, and the methods, it was the fellowship and accountability of other men of God that really spurred me on to chase after my freedom. Learning that I was not alone, that other men were willing to struggle and achieve freedom beside me helped give me hope and faith that I could overcome in the battle for purity.
I have never felt so free in my purity walk, and I am forever changed and transformed, but I know this journey is not over, it will be a continual process! – Jordan
Many men of my generation are failing in their walk with God because of their sexual addictions or insecurities. This is no fault of their own, it is due to not being taught proper boundaries. Conquer Series taught me God’s plan and purpose for my purity. Using the tools given and the fellowship I was able to break the cycle of sexual addicts in my family! – Charlie P.
At age eleven or so, I discovered my older brothers flipping through porno mags and joined right in. Little did I realize that, this affinity would be a part of my life for years to come. By age 19, during my service to my country, I spent all free time searching out porn parlors. It would later become the catalyst that destroyed my first marriage. I lived under the illusion that I was in control and could stop anytime I wanted. Yet getting married didn’t solve the problem. Every male in my family of origin thought it was ok. I used prostitutes near one of the porn stores I frequented. I was in way deeper than I ever wanted to be.
Fast forward twenty eight years later at age thirty nine, I came to the Cross of Christ. I was a horrible drunk, unemployed and unemployable. Broke, busted, disgusted and not to be trusted; I gave all to Jesus. He lifted right out of my being the insanity to drink, yet the addition to pornography still flourished. At first, this was confusing. I even vainly imagined it was ok with God for a time. Yet the wonderful Men and Women of God preached the Bible, which said otherwise. I really became ashamed, confessing Christ and acting out to pornography.
I prayed harder, had others pray with and for me, made vows, I even changed jobs, localities, etc.. I falsely enjoyed ‘dry periods’, followed by a bigger explosion than ever. None of these made any difference. I was angry all the time because I tried so hard, yet I was losing the battle miserably.
In desperate need and at the end of my rope, I discovered Conquer Series. There I learned some big truths about myself and my addiction. I learned the problem is in my brain, and not solely a moral issue. I joined a class and nailed my knees to the curriculum. Together with other men, I came to grips with exact nature of the dilemma. I also discovered that fighting this alone doesn’t work. I had to become honest, accountable and forthcoming with my peers.
I found that fighting in a group works where all else failed. Today I am enjoying years of freedom, and laboring alongside my brothers for their victory too. – Matthew D.
Before being introduced to the Conquer Series I’d been addicted to pornography for nearly 30 years. The program literally saved my marriage! For decades I tried and failed to overcome this addiction. The tangible tools, the accountability and the impact of Bible-based, transformative teaching has led me to a life of purity and freedom! – Mike M.
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